Raised bog
Elk Alces alces
Elk is a large animal of the true deer family, the largest animal in Latvia. Male elk grow broad and heavy antlers, which are shed every year. Elk are common throughout Latvia, inhabiting wet, shrubby meadows near forests and swamps. They feed on a variety of plants, shoots and leaves of trees and shrubs, and also eat aquatic plants.
Sphagnum moss Sphagnum spp.
Sphagnum mosses are characteristic of raised bogs. They can absorb 10–20 times more water than they weigh, so water is accumulated in the bogs, which is later gradually released into the environment. The lower part of the sphagnum moss gradually dies back and forms peat.
Sundews Drosera spp.
Sundews are small, perennial insectivorous plants. It grows in undisturbed, natural raised bogs and on lake shores. Sundews bloom in the middle of summer with white flowers. The light green, round leaves are covered with bright red glandular tentacles that secrete a sticky fluid on the leaves, which attracts insects. Sundews release a paralysing substance that kills an insect that is stuck to a leaf.
European sundew moth Buckleria paludum
An insect feeding on an insectivorous plant? This sounds incredible, but it’s exactly what the European sundew moth does. The larvae of this small moth are particularly adapted to living on sundews – not only do they eat the leaves, but they also lick up the sticky fluid. The European sundew moth is a relatively common species in Latvia, which inhabits areas where sundews grow. Its wings resemble birds’ feathers.
Scots pine Pinus sylvestris
The height, crown shape and other characteristics of pine trees depend on the growth conditions. In forests, pine trees can grow up to 40 m tall, while in mires, even very aged pine trees are small.
Scots pine growing in the forest
Scots pine growing in the raised bog
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Are there deserts in Latvia?