Food network
All living organisms in nature are interconnected. It is like a giant net, where each strand represents feeding. For instance, plants are the basis of the food web and are eaten by herbivores, and herbivores are eaten by carnivores. When animals and plants die, their bodies are broken down by fungi and bacteria. It is a continuous cycle where each organism plays its part.
The food web helps maintain the balance and health of nature. If a species disappears, it can disrupt the entire network as other species can lose the food they need. For instance, if a bird species disappears, the insects that it fed on can proliferate beyond control. This can affect plants and other animals.
Biodiversity and food webs are closely linked. The more species there are in the environment, the stronger and more stable the food web. It is therefore important not to upset the balance in nature, to ensure that all animals, plants and micro-organisms can live in their natural environment.